Saturday, October 27, 2012

10/27/12 Miller Trails Halloween Jam

I was lucky enough to receive a invite to a halloween jam being held at a recently revived spot.  I mean really brought back from the dead in a major way to the point it's never seen before.  It's awesome, mucho respect to all the diggers!  Can't wait to go back. 

Pride in your spot.  check. 

Richard with a nice table on a table.

Some riders.  I had to leave early and there were 20+ I believe when I left.  Dig it!

Hofer on a bike! yes!

game of foot down... yes!

Sick work! 


  1. Awesome pictures man. Thanks for coming. Wish you guys could have stayed. Plenty more people showed up!!

  2. Thanks buddy. Me too, I was having a blast! I'll see ya soon.
